아트부산(ARTBUSAN) 2024. 5.9 -12클램프 갤러리가 2024년 아트부산(ARTBUSAN)에 참여합니다.참 여 작 가SURREAYEJIN JUNCamilla d'ErricoJean RimVIP PREVIEW / PRESS5. 9 (목) 14:00 - 20:005. 10 (금) - 11일 (토) 11:00 - 19:005.12 (일) 11:00 - 18:00GENERAL ADMISSION5. 10 (금) - 11 (토) 13:00 - 19:005. 12 (일) 11:00 - 18:00Bexco, Busan (벡스코 제1전시장/ 부산시 해운대구 APEC로 55)클램프갤러리 부스 위치: B-1 SURREA공간을 탐구하고 감각을 수집하는 수레아 작가는 한국적인 색채와 감성에 독일의 철학적인 면모를 융합 시킨다. 오랜 독일 생활과 독일 최고 미술 과정인 마이스터 과정을 수료한 그에게 있어 독일어는 그만의 아이덴티티이자 내면의 표현을 보여주는 언어이다. 그의 작품에서는 글씨가 반대로 적혀 있기도 하다. 반대로 쓴 글씨는 캔버스를 일종의 ‘막’으로 상정하여, 안쪽과 바깥쪽, 양측의 공간에서 접근하는 것을 유도한다. 착시를 통해 양각으로 나타나는 음각을 표현하며 안과 밖을 모두 아우르는 수레아의 작품은 여러 겹의 레이어로 정교히 이루어져 있다. 바탕색을 깔고, 캔버스에 그린 그림을 잘라서 붙인 뒤 테두리를 두르는 작업 과정을 거쳐 그녀만의 독특한 화풍을 완성시킨다.Surrea, who collects senses and focuses on space combines Korean color and German philosophy within her works. German is a language that shows her identity because she stayed there for a long time taking Meister course, one of the highest degree in fine art. In her works, some letters are written in mirror mode. And these are based on the idea that the canvas is a screen which link inside and outside of the space between canvas. Moreover, some intaglio motifs which seems relieved due to illusion is also the key factors of Surrea work. Her works are also elaborately composed with several layers. After painting the background, cutting, attaching and framing the painted canvas pieces, she completes her own painting style.[작가 약력]상명대학교 조형예술학과 조소과 졸업 (Bachelor)독일 국립 뮌스터 조형예술대학 석사 (Diploma), 뮌스터, 독일Prof. Guillaume Bijl담당교수에게 마스터 과정 졸업 (Meisterschueler), 뮌스터, 독일개인전2022 ‘수레알리즘 그리고 수레아’, 클램프갤러리, 서울2020 'Slow Slow Quick Quick', 양평군립미술관, 경기2020 '시각, 촉각, 감각의 버무림', Art Space Grove, 서울2018 '카니발에서의 만남' Quartier am Hafen_Q18, 쾰른, 독일2013 'Ohne Dich gibt es kein Wunderland’ Maria Haverkamp, 엠스데텐 ,독일2009 `완전히 또는 전혀’ Quartier 7, 뮌스터, 독일 그룹전&아트페어2022‘착한갤러리 강남4월 기획전’, 서울‘착한갤러리 개관전’ 착한갤러리, 서울'Find your piece' 써포먼트 갤러리, 서울'Die Kraft' 2인전, 갤러리 다온, 서울2021'Attention Art Show' 그림손갤러리, 서울울산국제아트페어, 자작나무갤러리, 울산'Die Freunde, die innere Staerke haben.' 대구아트페어, 클램프갤러리, 엑스코아트타이페이, 자작나무갤러리, 대만'The Colors Start Beating', 갤러리컬러비트, 서울'Wald der Wuensche', 어반브레이크 아트아시아, 클램프갤러리, 코엑스부산국제화랑미술제, 갤러리아트숲, 벡스코'Wasser Freuer Erde Luft und Wir', 화랑미술제, 갤러리아트숲, 코엑스세상의 모든 드로잉, 갤러리IN, 서울202010 to N 프로젝트, 문화역 서울284, 서울연희아트페어, 갤러리IN, 서울어반브레이크 아트아시아, Art Vibes, 코엑스KIAF 초대작가전, 갤러리세인, 서울'COL+-' 갤러리IN, 서울 (2인전)'예술이 친구라면' 갤러리세인, 서울'trendy sensibility (트렌디 감성)' 展, 로운갤러리, 서울'The Art Power' 전, 양평군립미술관, 경기'Seeing the Unseen', The Shift 5기, 갤러리박영, 경기'FLY HICH' 충무로갤러리, 서울 (2인전)2019'2019 양평신화찾기-3 <도큐멘트>전_청년미술의 시선전' 양평 군립미술관'예술하라_예술편의점' 팔레드서울, 관아갤러리, 서울 & 충주2018'Haus der Kunst Enniger 2018' Haus der Kunst Enniger Kunstverein, 에닝어로, 독일 2017'Haus der Kunst Enniger 2017' Haus der Kunst Einniger Kunstverein, 독일'Endlos. Wasserfälle.Tal. Blaukleid' Museumsnacht Quartier am Hafen, 쾰른 ,독일'Teich. Nacht. Mond. Traum' Quartier am Hafen 0.14, 퀼른, 독일'Kunst der Baustelle' Kunsthaus Isabella Agnes, 륙데, 독일2016Residence Programm 3 Monate / 'Haus der Kunst Enniger 2016'Haus der Kunst Enniger Kunstverein, 에닝어로, 독일2015'something between us’, the wheelhouse, 뉴욕, 미국2014'Diamonds and Pearls' Klasse Ayşe Erkmen bei Evelyn Drewes Galerie, 함부르크,독일Aqua miami artfair 2014, space 776 Gallery, 마이에미, 미국2013'Ohne Dich gibt es kein Wunderland’ Ludwig Lichtkonzepte, 뮨스터, 독일'Potenzial Baby! ’ KUBOSHOW kunstmesse 2013, 헤어네, 독일'Ohne Dich gibt es kein Wunderland’ Abschlussausstellung an der Kunstakademie Münster, 뮨스터, 독일'New Kids of the Block" Gallerie Tanas베를린, 독일2012'PERISTASIEN’ Ein Ausstellungsprojekt Kunstakademie Münster, 뮨스터, 독일'UNDER CONSTRUCTION’ Ausstellungreihe Schützen str.3, 뮨스터, 독일2011'Dem Gehirn auf der Spur. Denken-Erinnern-Vergessen’,Wilhelm-Fabry-Museum, 힐덴, 독일'Kunst in der Region 2011’ im DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, 효어스텔, 독일'Weltberühmte Bilder_Parodie_Ausstellung mit Van Gogh’ 양산시문화예술센터,서대문예술문화센터, 서울 & 부산, 한국`Uitwisselingstentoonstelling’ im KASK, 겐트 , 벨기에`Momente in Dunkelheit’ beim Dülmener Kunstverein e.V., 듈멘, 독일SEOUL PHOTO 2011 (Erste Foto-Kunstmesse in Asien seit 2008), 서울, 한국B-Seite: Festival 2011 for visual arts, 만하임, 독일 2010Förderpreisausstellung der Freunde der Kunstakademie, Ausstellungshalle zeitgenössische Kunst, 뮨스터, 독일`Tod des Wewerka Pavillons und ein neuer Anfang’ Wewerka Pavillon, 뮨스터, 독일`PHÄNOMENAL Förderausstellung Aktuelle Kunst in der WGZ, 뒤셀도르프, 독일2009`Contemporary Korean Art in the World` 예술의전당 한가람미술관, 서울`Natur - Mensch’ Nationalpark Harz, 잔트 안드레아스베억, 독일`art-figura’ Museum Schloss Schwarzenberg, 슈바르쩬베억, 독일`Art up! 2009 Junge Kunst aus deutschen Akademien’ Kunstförderverein Kreis e.V., Düren, 듀렌, 독일2008`BettGeschichten’; Galerie Noack, 묜쉔글라트박, 독일`NEULAND’; Kultur Bahnhof Eller Düsseldorf, 뒤셀도르프, 독일`NEW GRASS’; Kunstverein Gelsenkirchen e.V. im Städtischen Museum, 겔젠킬센, 독일2007 `Göttesanbeterin’ Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 뒤셀도르프,독일2006 `R 021’ bei Herrn Prof. Martin Gostner, 뒤셀도르프, 독일 YEJIN JUN작가는 눈에 보이는 세계, 즉 현실이라 명명되는 세계에서의 결핍되어 있던 자유의 가치와 무한의 상상의 힘을 보이지 않는 세계, 꿈, 공상이라는 차원에서 실현하고 있다. 눈에 보이는 세계와 보이지 않는 세계, 현실의 세상과 꿈 속의 드넓은 대지는 언뜻 대립되거나 분리된 것처럼 사유되기도 하지만 작가의 공상적인 스토리텔링은 현실과 공존하며 눈에 보이는 세계를 변화시키고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 작가의 공상은 허탄한 꿈에 국한되는 것이 아니라 자유와 무한의 가치를 현실 속 우리에게 전하고 있는 실천적 성격을 가진다고 볼 수 있다. The artist realizes the value of freedom and the power of infinite imagination in the invisible world, the world of dreams and fantasies. and the power of infinite imagination are realized in the invisible world of dreams and fantasies. The visible world and the invisible world, The visible world and the invisible world, the real world and the vast land of dreams, are sometimes thought of as opposed or separate, but the artist's fanciful storytelling coexists with reality and changes the visible world. In this sense, the artist's fantasy is is not limited to fanciful dreams, but has a practical character that conveys the value of freedom and infinity to us in reality. the values of freedom and infinity.[작가 약력]홍익대학교 미술대학 회화과 학사 개인전2022.12 Nomad (M contemporary, 밀락더마켓부산)2021.08 Blink (카이스트 경영대학 Research & Art gallery, 서울)2019.09 KB청춘마루 아티스타개인전 Eternal Moments (KB청춘마루, 서울)2017.08 Tropical mood (쇼파르뮤직Café Shofar, 서울) 그룹전&아트페어2023.05 Online show (Guy Hepner Editions, New York)2023.05 성수고요수목원(Collast, 서울)2023.05 Affordable Art Fair (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)2023.04 화랑미술제 (COEX, 서울)2023.03 Spring group show (VINS Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan)2023.03 BAMA (BEXCO, 부산)2023.01 The Human I Love (Olivia Park gallery, 서울)2022.11 DIAF 대구국제아트페어(EXCO, 대구)2022.11 Affordable Art Fari(F1 PIT BUILDING, Singapore)2022.10 BTBA (갤러리 소공헌, 서울)2022.08 아트제주 (롯데호텔 제주)2022.07 Urban Break (COEX, 서울)2022.06 Fresh Buns (Andtreegallery, 서울)2022.06 IN-JOY OF ART (관훈갤러리, 서울)2022.05 조형아트서울(COEX, 서울)2022.05 NFT ART 101 (강동아트센터, 서울)2022.04 BAMA (BEXCO, 부산)2022.03 화랑미술제 (SETEC, 서울)2022.02 서울호텔아트페어(인터콘티넨탈COEX, 서울)2022.02 Blooming! MZ (정수아트센터, 서울)2022.02 Find your piece (써포먼트갤러리, 서울)2021.12 Maison de Noel (Galerie IHAM, 파리, 프랑스)2021.12 KARTZ : ART SHAPES THE FUTURE (노들섬다목적홀, 서울)2021.10 2021 BAMA 국제호텔아트페어(그랜드조선, 부산)2021.10 2021 GlithersNFT Festival (Artspace Bluescreen)2021.07 어반브레이크 2021 (코엑스 B홀, 서울)2021.06 NFT전 (유진 갤러리, 서울)2021.05 NFT VILLA (빌라 해밀톤/ KOTE, 서울)2021.05 The Token Manifesto (Punto Blu, 서울)2020.10 수원시 청년바람지대 지원사업-플랫폼 연무지개‘폐관전’ (오손도손,수원)2020.10 브리즈아트페어(ANDO, 서울)2020.08 전예진XAPRVD RE:ART전 (Brick Lane White-Box Boutique, 런던, 영국)2019.11 브리즈아트페어(노들섬, 서울)2019.07 KB청춘마루아티스타콜라보전 Tri-angle:3인의 시선(KB락스타청춘마루,서울)2019.05 수원시 청년바람지대 WLDNJSTKDJQ-플랫폼연무지개개관전(홈 연무, 수원)2018.12 Emerging canvas V 한국인도 청년작가교류 참가작품전 (인도박물관,서울)2018.11 Emerging canvas V 한국인도 청년작가 교류전(Lalit Kala Akademi, 첸나이, 인도)2017.07 ASYAAF 아시아프(DDP, 서울)2016.08 10인의 Young artist JUMP UP전 (인사아트프라자 갤러리, 서울) Camilla d'Errico 내 안에 존재하는 예술가는 고통 속에서 기쁨을 느낀다 : 형태와 구조, 색상과 질감은 그 고통 속 열정의, 구체화된 통합체다. 나는 사람들의 표정과 감정 속의 긴장, 극적인 이야기, 불안을 담아내는 것을 즐긴다. 이 작업은 사람들이 느끼는 것을 표현하고, 사람들이 표현하는 것을 느끼는 것이다.The artist in me finds joy in angst; in shape and form, color and texture, the embodiment of passion. I love capturing the tension, the drama, the unrest in people’s faces and emotions. It is about expressing what they feel and feeling what they express.[작가 약력]1998-1999 Okanagan University College—Kelowna, BC CanadaFine Arts Program: Art History, painting, life drawing 3D mediums1999-2000 Okanagan University College—Vernon, BC CanadaComputer Animation: 2D and 3D animation2002-2005 Capilano College—North Vancouver, BC CanadaIDEA Program: Illustration and Graphic Design 대표전시2022 Haven Gallery, Prysm solo exhibition, December2022 Haven Gallery, Scope Art Miami, December2022 Gallery Nucleus, Power In Numbers group show, October2022 Sally Centigrade Gallery, Focus Art Fair Paris, September2022 Kochxbos Gallery, Popland Groupshow, March2021 Haven Gallery, Scope Art Miami, December2021 Corey Helford Gallery, Le Petit Prince group show, August2021 Sally Centigrade Gallery, LA Art Show, July2021 Beinart Gallery, Myths & Monsters Solo Collection, May2021 Corey Helford Gallery, 15th Anniversary group show, May2020 Dorothy Circus Gallery, The Human Odyssey, November2020 Modern Eden Gallery, Ephemeral group show, September2020 Corey Helford Gallery, The Color Wheel Solo Collection, May2019 Haven Art Gallery, Scope Miami 2019 Collection, December2019 Haven Gallery, District 13 Paris Art Fair Group Show, September2019 Corey Helford Gallery, Official Hello Kitty 45th Anniversary Group Show, June2019 Beinart Gallery Australia, Small Works 2019 Group Show, June2019 Haven Gallery, The Zodiac Solo Collection, May2019 Dorothy Circus Gallery London, Mother & Child Goup Exhibition, April2019 Spoke Art Gallery, Mana Contemporary & Juxtapoz Magazine, Femme Group Show, March2018 Spoke Art Gallery NYC, Isle of Dogs Tribute Show, November2018 Modern M Gallery & Life Is Beautiful Music Festival, Crime on Canvas, September2018 Beautiful Bizarre Magazine x Modern Eden Gallery, Ephemeral, September2018 Spoke-Art & Bergamot Center, Miyazaki in Los Angeles Tribute Show, August2018 Corey Helford Gallery, The New Romantics, July2018 Think Tank Gallery, Cat Art Show III, June2018 Redefine Gallery, All the Small Things Exhibition, May2018 Spoke-Art NYC, Of Scales and Feathers, April2018 Corey Helford Gallery, Sky Solo Exhibition, April2017 Confection Gallery, Minute Art Show, November2017 Weswal Gallery, Hide & Seek Exhibition, November2017 Artists Republic Gallery & Trekell Art Supplies, Fruition Group Exhibition, October2017 Modern M Gallery & Life Is Beautiful Music Festival, Crime on Canvas Exhibition, September2017 Copro Gallery, The Blab Show, September2017 Copro Gallery & Heavy Metal Magazine, Heavy Metal 40th Anniversary Group Art Exhibit, July2017 Twin Peaks Gallery, X-Files Exhibit, May2017 Avantgarde Tattoos and Art Gallery, Trashpanda Group Exhibition, April2017 Giant Robot 2 Gallery, Luke Chueh’s Friends With The Animals Group Exhibition, April2017 Haven Gallery, Mythos Group Exhibition, April2017 Corey Helford Gallery, Art Collector Starter Kit, April2017 Dorothy Circus Gallery, Submerged Solo Exhibition, March2017 Wootbear Gallery, Feminamorphe II Group Exhibition, February2016 Haven Gallery, Masquerade Solo Exhibition, October2016 Spoke-art NYC, Bad Dads Tribute Show, October2016 Modern M Gallery & Life Is Beautiful Music Festival, Crime on Canvas Exhibition, September2016 Modern Eden Gallery & Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, Femme to Femme Fatale, September2016 Japan LA Gallery, Super Kawaii Food Art Show, July2016 Clutter Gallery, The Blank Show, June2016 PIQ Gallery NYC, Hello Kitty & 99 Friends Exhibition, April2016 Corey Helford Gallery, Dances With Dreams Solo Exhibition, Apri2016 Nuvango Gallery, In Our Veins Exhibition, February2016 Gallery 1988, Pixel Hearts Group Exhibition, February2015 Clutter Gallery, NY, Giftwrapped Exhibition, December2015 Corey Helford Gallery, CA, Art Collector Starter Kit 3, August2015 Gallery 1988, CA, Guillermo Del Toro’s In Service of Monsters, August2015 Inner State Gallery, MI, Glenn Barr’s Lyric 3 Exhibition, August2015 Gallery Nucleus, CA, Hatsune Miku Dreams of Electric Sheep, July2015 Toy Art Gallery, CA, Lucid Dream Exhibition, July2015 Cotton Candy Machine Gallery, NY, Tiny Trifecta 2015, June2015 Clutter Gallery, NY, Cutepocalypse Exhibition, June2015 Thinkspace Gallery, CA, Beauty in the Breakdown, February2014 Thinkspace Gallery, FL, Scope Miami Beach, December2014 Cotton Candy Machine Gallery, NY, Niji Bambini Exhibition, October2014 Corey Helford Gallery, CA, Art Collector Starter Kit 2, August2014 Rotofugi Gallery, IL, Rotofugi’s 10th Anniversary Exhibition, August2014 LA Plaza De Cultures Y Artes, CA, More Than A Cone Exhibition, June2014 Cotton Candy Machine Gallery, NY, Tiny Trifecta Exhibition 2014, June2014 LAX/TXL Thinkspace Exhibition, Berlin, May2014 Ltd Ed Gallery, WA, Winter is Coming Game of Thrones Tribute, March2014 Thinkspace Gallery, LA Art Weekend, Los Angeles, January2014 Bogota, Come Together Art Event, Bogota Columbia, January2014 Roc La Rue Gallery, Unpredictable Gravity Exhibition, Seattle, January2013 Art Basel Miami Art Event, Florida, December2013 Clutter Gallery, Giftwrapped Exhibition, New York, December2013 Dragatomi Gallery, Fonzo Loves California, Sacramento, November2013 Thinkspace Gallery, Beyond Eden Exhibition, Los Angeles, October2013 Rotofugi Gallery, Northern Lights Exhibition, Chicago, July2013 Ayden Gallery, Spilled Milk Exhibition, Vancouver Canada, June2013 Cotton Candy Machine Gallery, Tiny Trifecta 3, New York, June2013 Toy Art Gallery, Mark Ryden YHWH Tribute Show, Los Angeles, May2013 Sho Gallery, Fonzo Loves The UK, Cardiff United Kingdom, May2013 Nikkei Cultural Center, Bloom Exhibition, Burnaby, April2013 Corey Helford Gallery: Art Collector Starter Kit, Culver City, March2013 Hawkens, Art Attack, Seattle, March Jean Rim작가는 전통과 현대적 표현 사이의 깊은 상호작용을 보여주며, 한국의 나전칠기의 화려한 미학을 북미 도시 생활의 활기찬 태피스트리와 무리없이 어우러지게 엮어낸다. 그녀의 다양한 포트폴리오 속 각 작품은 독특하고 강력한 존재로, 색채, 형태, 질감이 만나 이야기를 풀어냄으로써 인간이 시간과 공간을 초월하여 묶여 있는 불굴의 이야기를 전한다.불굴한 태도, 적응력, 그리고 인류를 시간과 공간을 통해 묶어주는 불가피한 유대에 대한 이야기를 들려주는 그녀의 예술은 한국의 불교 탕카 예술과의 만남에서 비롯된 예술적 실천의 유산에 대한 헌신을 강조한다. 이러한 윤리는 그녀의 창작 과정에 스며들어 각 작품을 문화적 이야기를 전하는 수단으로 변화시킨다.The artist is testament to the profound interplay between tradition and contemporary expression, seamlessly weaving the ornate aestheic of Korean najeonchilgi with the vibrant tapestry of North American urban life. Each artwork within her diverse portfolio is a unique and potent entity, standing as a portal into realms where color, form, and texture converge to tell stories of resilience, adaptation, and the inexorable ties that bind humanity across time and space.Her dedication to the legacy of artistic practice, gleaned from encounters with Buddhist thangka art, underscores a profound respect for the intergenerational transmission of knowledge. This ethos infuses her creative process, trans-forming each piece into a testament to the enduring power of art as a vessel for cultural strorytelling.[작가 약력]San Francisco Art Institute, 2005, MFA candidateParsons School of Design, NYC, Graduated 1997 with BFA in Painting and Intaglio 개인전&아트페어2024 #WIP, WORKS IN PROGRESS, On the Fringe Gallery, NYC, NY2024 Art Busan, Klamp Gallery, Seoul, South Korea2024 COCONUT GROVE ART FESTIVAL, Miami, Fl2023 The Other Art Fair LA Edition, Fall2022 The Other Art Fair, Brooklyn Edition, Fall2021 The Other Art Fair, Brooklyn Edition, Fall2017 MERMAID TALES, Corner Art Space, South Korea2014 THE WHALE IN THE ROOM, Corner Art Space, South Korea2010 ROTATING BLADES OF ESURRECTION & DEATH, Space Hamilton, South Korea2006 CELEBRATING 31, Lucky Strike Gallery, NYC 그룹전2024 PAINTING DECONSTRUCTED, Ortega Y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY2024 OVER-COMPRESSED, One Eyed Studio, Queens, NY2023-22 ART UNCORKED, Montclair Art Museum, NJ2023-22 HOLIDAY, LABSpace, Hillsdale, NY2023 BEYOND BOUNDARIES, Inman Incubator, Cambridge, Ma2023 WINDOW GALLERY, J Nunez Gallery, Millburn, NJ2023 MANSION IN MAY, Designer Showcase, Three Fields, NJ2023 JUST BETWEEN US, Pearl River Gallery, NYC, NY2023 MANSION IN MAY, Designer Showcase, Three Fields, NJ2022 ETHEREAL COMMUNICATIONS, The Painting Center, NY2022-21 THE PAINTING CENTER ANNUAL BENEFIT, NYC, NY2021 BOUNTY, Rhombus Space, Brooklyn, NY2020 NEW OPTIC, The Painting Center, NYC, NY2019-15 TRESTLE ART BENEFIT, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY2019 SAVE ALIVE, The Yard, Brooklyn, NY2015 100 GATES PROJECT, Lower East Side, NY, NY2014 BAS MEMBER SALON, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY2013 Winter Art Sale, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY2013 Story of the Creative, SEE Exhibition Space, LIC, NY2013 SLIDELUCK BUSHWICK II, Sandbox Studios, Brooklyn, NY2012 Winter Art Sale, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY2012 Small Works Show, Greenpoint Gallery Brooklyn, NY2011 X4, Golmok Gallery Seoul, South Korea2011 Before the Language of Time, Golmok Gallery, South Korea2010 ArtSlant: Limited Edition Collection, Aqua Art Miami 2010, Miami, FL2010 Power of Painting, SangSangMadang Seoul, South Korea2010 The Encyclopedia Show- Seoul: Bears, Roofers, Seoul, South Korea2010 Sound Cityscape4, Space Hamilton, Seoul, South Korea2009 SHARE MY REALITY, Television 12, Seoul, S Korea2008 WALK-INS WELCOME Umbrella Arts. NYC2007 RISUS, Art Space MCV/NYC, Brooklyn, NYC2007 SMALL WORK SHOW, Lana Santorelli Gallery, NYC2007 SMALL WORKS SHOW, BAG, Brooklyn, NY2006 OPUS, Group Show, White Studios, NYC2006 THE DOLL REVOLT, National Women’s Studies Association, Virtual Gallery2006 Projeckt30.com, Internet Gallery2006 LA FEMME Group Show, White Studios, NYC2006 MANIFEST III, Group Show, White Studios, NYC2005 CHOW FUN HO DOWN, Group Show, Swell Gallery, San Francisco, Ca2005 THE ART SHOW BY TEN WOMEN, Group Show, NYC2005 MADE IN AMERICA, Group Show, Pickled Art Centre, Beijing, China2004 AFTERBLOOM, Group Show, Broadway Gallery, NYC2000 WOMEN CONSUMING/WOMEN CONSUMED, MatrixArts Gallery, Sacramento, Ca2000 COSA NOTRA, Group Show, Villeros Gallery, Santa Fe, NM1999 HERE and NOW, Group Show, Main Street Gallery, Portland, Me1999 LOVE MACHINE, Group Show, Main Street Theatre, Portland, Me1998 YARMOUTH CLAM FESTIVAL, Group Show, Yarmouth, Me1997 PARSONS CLASS 1997 GRADUATION SHOW, 13th Street Gallery, NYC1997 BURST, Group Show, 5th Ave Parsons Gallery, NYC